Isuzu Ute Customer Story - Keith

Keith Douglas and his wife took a leisurely drive in the Natural Bridge hinterland, 45 mins from their home in the Gold Coast and fell in love. They found a property of 135 acres of rainforest, waterfalls and stunning views.
“Well they say you don’t find your home it finds you. We found this place by accident but once we were here, we knew this is where we wanted to be. Simple as that”

With such a large property there’s a lot of maintenance to do. In Keith’s words there’s “Always things to do, always things to tow. That’s why you need a good ute”. Not content with experiencing the lush area themselves, Keith and his wife opened up the property to campers.

“This place is really special, and we’d be happy to spend the rest of our lives here”.

Serotonin handled the story, video production and stills on this project. We wanted to go beyond the typical ute ad and tell the stories of the customers who use them every day.


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